June 12, 2020
Re-Opening of Facilities
The Town continues to concentrate on the essential services our residents rely upon while exercising care as we work towards a full resumption of regular services. We are encouraged by the decline of cases of COVID-19 on Vancouver Island, and wish to express our appreciation to the community for your diligent efforts in following the direction of our Provincial Health Officer. Public health and safety remains our top priority.
We know how important fresh air and active play are for families, and as we reopen many of our public outdoor amenities, we are carefully following available recommendations and guidance from the Province and ask that you follow the signage posted at each public amenity.
Below is a list of amenities reopening in the days ahead:
- Playgrounds - June 12
- Community Hall - July 2 - for bookings that meet COVID criteria
- Civic Centre - July 6 - for bookings that meet COVID criteria
- BMX Track - June 12 - for casual use only
- Sports Fields - June 12 - for casual play only
- Basketball hoops reinstalled - June 15
- For the full list of what facilities are open visit HERE
Conditions of Use
- This re-opening of amenities is subject to change without notice, is dependent on health orders and guidelines, and on customer compliance with procedures.
- Avoid overcrowding, large groups and gatherings.
- Keep at least two metres (six feet) away from people from other households, even while playing.
- Limit use of playgrounds at busy times and limit use if others are waiting.
- Do not use facilities if feeling unwell, with no exceptions.
- The sports fields and BMX Park are open for casual play only (not organized competition).
- Parents are responsible for supervising their children.
- Playgrounds are not sanitized.
- Wash or sanitize hands thoroughly and frequently before/after activities and touching shared surfaces.
- Avoid touching face and cover coughs and sneezes.
Paying Taxes, Utilities and Claiming Home Owner Grants
Town Hall has re-opened for limited hours (9am to 1pm) to process tax and utility payments, and Home Owners Grants ONLY.
While Town Hall is partially opened we do strongly encourage residents to take advantage of other payment options available to ensure physical distancing:
- Use the dropbox at the entrance of Town Hall
- Use online/telephone banking
- Claim your Home Owner grant at www.qualicumbeach.com/ehog
- Post to PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7
COVID-19 Information Sources